Selected Exhibitions
2015 Gazing Where the Lilies Blow, Linton & Kay Galleries, Perth
2013 Flights of Fancy, Linton & Kay Galleries, Perth
2011 Cabinet of Curiosities, Murano & Gullotti Gallery, Perth
2010 The Velvet Album, Murano & Gullotti Gallery, Perth
2010 Lepidoptera Recordatio, Art Melbourne, Melbourne
2009 Remembrances, Collections & Keepsakes, The Moores Building, Perth
2005 Rahurahu - Fern Unfolding, Spiral Gallery, Auckland
2005 Seasons of the Soul, Depot Artspace, Auckland
2004 Tales from the Drawing Room, Studio Gallery, Auckland
2003 Second Skin, Spiral Gallery, Auckland
2001 BFA Graduation Exhibition, Auckland University, St Paul’s Church Crypt, Auckland
2023 Yours Truly X, Percy Thompson Gallery, Stratford
2019 Water: Above And Below, Linton & Kay Galleries, Perth
2019 Hidden Realms: Archetypal images in art, Percy Thompson Gallery, Stratford
2019 Taranaki To Terre Verte, Terre Verte Gallery, Cornwall
2018 I Am Woman, Percy Thompson Gallery, Stratford
2017 Homework, Puke Ariki, New Plymouth
2017 Art Taranaki - de retour à Paris, 59 Rivoli, Paris
2016 ICE18, Percy Thompson Gallery, Stratford
2016 AMU, Eltham
2015 Five Points of View, New Plymouth
2015 Taranaki Arts Trail, Percy Thompson Gallery, Stratford
2014 Taranaki a Paris, Gallery 59 Rivoli, Paris
2014 200 x 200, Kina Gallery, New Plymouth
2014 Braveheart Youth Trust, Auckland
2014 Homework, Puke Ariki, New Plymouth
2012 The Last Hurrah, Linton & Kay Galleries, Perth
2012 Celebrate, Linton & Kay Galleries,Perth
2011 Art Melbourne, Melbourne
2010 Art Sydney, Sydney
2006 The New Black-Gothic Art for the 21st Century, Artstation, Auckland
2004 Unformatted, Studio Gallery, Auckland
1999 Ngati Whiriki: Children of the Smog, George Fraser Gallery, Auckland
1999 Summer Solstice, Artemis Gallery, Auckland
2017 Winner TSB Community Trust Painting Award, Taranaki National Art Awards
2017 Winner People's Choice Award, Taranaki National Art Awards
2014 Honorary Ambassador for Taranaki
2014 Designed cover for novel 'Picaflor' by Jessica Talbot
2010 Finalist - Albany Art Prize for ‘Forget Me Not’
2007 Collaboration with Pilar Mata Dupont & Tarryn Gill in ‘Heart of Gold’ Calendar
2000 Highly Commended - Martin Hughes Pacific Art Awards
1997 Designed New Zealand Post 1997 45c Health Stamp
1997 Designed cover for 1997 Achievers Magazine
1997 O'Keefe Scholarship Proxime Accessit(Runner up to Dux)
1997 Tuisamoa Cup for Artistic Achievement
awards & collaborations
Five Points of ViewNorth Taranaki Midweek, Oct 14, 2015. | Flights of FancyX-Press Magazine, Perth, 6 March, 2013. | Cabinet of CuriositiesIn My Community, Perth, 2011. |
The Velvet AlbumThe Post, Perth, 2010. | Seasons of the SoulMorph Magazine, Auckland, 2006. | Gladstone ExhibitionNZ Herald, Auckland, 1998. |
45c Health StampNZ Herald, Auckland, 1996. | 45c Health StampNZ Herald, Auckland, 1996. | Young Achiever MagazineNZ Herald, Auckland, 1996. |